Palaung in Thailand
The Lua have been in Chiang Mai the longest of all hill tribes. They are thought to have originated from the Lawa who were pushed into the hills by the Mon from Haripunchai and the Tai. The Lua accept alien ways fairly easily and over the years many have integrated and become like the Northern Thai. However a group of Lua have maintained a distinct identity, especially in upland villages.
They are found in the areas around Bo Luang (H108) and south towards Umpai. They practice swidden agriculture as well as wet rice cultivation and favour villages on the crests of hills. They believe in good and bad spirits and profess a belief in Buddhism. The women may wear costumes that have blue tunics and skirts to below the knees as well as a turban, but the men dress ordinarily The Palaung are the newest hill tribe to arrive in Chiang Mai. Like the Lua they may have originally been a lowland peoples. Both Lua and Palaung speak a language related to the Mon-Khmer family of languages.

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