![]() ၂၆ရက္၊ ဇန္န၀ါရီလ ၂၀၁၁ခုႏွစ္ နံနက္ ၂ နာရီအခ်ိန္တြင္ သိႏီၷၿမိဳ႔၊ ရက္ကြက္(၃)ရွိ တရုတ္အိမ္တြင္ အိမ္ေဖာ္အလုပ္သမား အျဖစ္သြား ေရာက္လုပ္ေနသူ ေလြးအီမန္အား သူမအလုပ္္ရွင္၏ သားႏွင့္ သူငယ္ခ်င္းမ်ားက အုပ္စုလိုက္ ၀ိုင္း၀န္း အတင္းအဓမၼ ျပဳက်င့္ခံခဲ့ရျခင္း ျဖစ္သည္။ အလုပ္ရွင္ကသူမအားက်ပ္ေငြ(၂၀၀၀၀) အုပ္စုလိုက္ ၀ိုင္း၍မုဒိန္းက်င့္ခံ ရၿပီးေနာက္္္ ထိတ္လန္႔နာက်င္ျခင္း ေၾကာင့္ စိတ္ေျခာက္ျခားစြာျဖင့္ ျပန္ေရာက္လာေသာ သူမအားမိဘမ်ား ကေတြ႔သျဖင့္ သူမကို ကြတ္ခိုင္ၿမိဳ႔ရွိ ေဆးရုံသို႔ပုိ႔ေဆာင္ခဲ့ ပါသည္။ အဓမၼျပဳက်င့္ခံရသူႏွင့္ နီးစပ္သူတစ္ဦးမွ “ေလြးအီမန္က အသက္ (၁၆)ႏွစ္ဘဲရွိေသးတယ္ အခုလုိတရုတ္ေတြက ၀ိုင္းျပီး အုပ္စုလိုက္ အတင္းအဓမၼလုပ္တာ ေတာ္ေတာ္ယုတ္မာတာဘဲ၊ ကေလးက နာက်င္လြန္းလို႔ သူ႔မိဘေတြက ကြတ္ခုိင္္ျပည္ သူ႔ေဆးရုံမွာ တင္ထားရတယ္ ေဆးရုံဝန္ထမ္းႏွင့္ဆရာဝန္ေတြက အေၾကာင္းအရာ အျပည့္အစုံသိေပမဲ့ဘာမွမလုပ္ေပး ေလြးအီမန္၏ မိဘမ်ားမွာ ဆင္းရဲၿပီးပညာလည္း မတတ္ျခင္းေၾကာင့္ ရဲစခန္းလည္းမတုိင္ၾကားရဲဘဲ ဘာဆက္လုပ္ရမွန္းမသိ ျဖစ္ေနၿပီး အမွဳဖြင့္ခ်င္ေသာ္လည္း ဆင္ရဲၿပီး ေငြေၾကမတတ္ႏိုင္ျခင္းေၾကာင့္ အမႈမဖြင့္ႏိုင္ေသးေၾကာင္း သိရွိရပါသည္။ Ta’ang girl was raped by 5 Chinese menA 16 year old girl, the daughter of Oo Aik Ngeo Dang and Daw Ei Kit who are living in Northern Shan State, Muse district, Kut Kai Township, Man ject Village was gang raped by 5 Chinese men.On the 26th of January 2011 at about 2 AM, a son of a local employer and his friends raped Lway Ei Mun, who was working in a Chinese house as a domestic worker in Theini City, quarter 3. Then, the employer gave her 20,000 kyat and sent her back to her village. As she was raped by the group, she felt much physical pain and was so scared. When she came back to the village and her parents saw her they sent her to Kutkai hospital as they were so worried about her psychological and emotional state. A source close to the victim said “ Lway Ei Mun is just 16 years old, and they raped her this way, this behavior is despicable. Her parents sent her to Kutkai Hospital because she feels so much pain, but even when the medical staff and doctors knew what happened to her, they did nothing for her. The distance between hospital and village is very far, she did not have food enough or regular meals, she only had a little food and some money which was given to her by her friends and other people who know and pity her. Then Chinese men left her with 20,000 kyat till she is on the hospital. As her parents are poor and uneducated they are afraid to report the incident to the Police, they still do not know what to do. Tragically, even if they wanted to bring this case to the court, as they are poor and they do not have the money to pay the cost of court proceedings and therefore are unable to prosecute the perpetrators to try to get some justice for their daughter. |
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