In the first week of January, 2012, U Hting Kyaw, head quarter 8, Kutkai town, along with municipal officers pilfered a massive amount of money that was granted by the government for construction according to a person who is closed with authority.
The regional government provided for the No 4 street to be a paved in concrete but the municipal and the quarter administrators repaired the No3 street that was already concreted and then the rest of money they shared between each other.
“I asked the civil servants who work at the headquarter office and the municipal office that how much the grant was from the regional government and how much the municipal officer spent on construction but no one could tell me exactly. That was really amazing because I was thinking why they concrete the No.3 Street again instead of No.4 that is really rough” said one of villager in Quarter (3).
“U Htin Kyaw lives on No 3 street therefore the municipal officers made it smooth but they did not repair the street that is in real need of repair as it is a popular street’’ said one of the local villagers.

The regional government provided for the No 4 street to be a paved in concrete but the municipal and the quarter administrators repaired the No3 street that was already concreted and then the rest of money they shared between each other.
“I asked the civil servants who work at the headquarter office and the municipal office that how much the grant was from the regional government and how much the municipal officer spent on construction but no one could tell me exactly. That was really amazing because I was thinking why they concrete the No.3 Street again instead of No.4 that is really rough” said one of villager in Quarter (3).
“U Htin Kyaw lives on No 3 street therefore the municipal officers made it smooth but they did not repair the street that is in real need of repair as it is a popular street’’ said one of the local villagers.

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