On February 13th 2012, a Maisein villager namedMai Ah Naing was beaten by a sergeant of Infantry Battalion 324 which is based in Namtu Township, Northern Shan State, Burma. It began when the sergeant demanded money from Mai Ah Naingto pass with his motorbike which contained 7Kgof Orchids.

“Mai Ah Nainghad brought back the orchids togrow it at his home which he tried to explain to the sergeant that Orchids were for personal use and not to sell. However, the sergeant refused to reason with him and he demanded him to pay 50,000 Kyats. As the result, when Mai Ah Naingdidn’t have enough money to pay the sergeant beganto viciously beat him several times until his nose was bleeding and he was left stunned. In the end, the sergeant let him go back home without paying the money” said a witness.
According to the local people, Mai Ah Naing is not a orchid trader and he is only a villager and just like to grow flowers at his home.
The soldiers who are in the InfantryBattalion 324, located at the entry of Namtu town, continually demand money from car drivers, Motorcyclists and passengers for no good reason.
Human Rights Documentation and Information Department
Ta’ang Students and Youth Organization
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