On March 13th 2012 at 8pm local time, U Ait Shain from Moelone village and U Ait Sou from Moenye village in Mantong Township, Kyawmae province and both 42 years old were shot dead and died instantly by the junior battalion commander of Infantry Battalion 130 said local people.
“They didn’t do anything wrong, the junior battalion commander shot them for no apparent reason. Then he threatened the villagers saying that if they spoke out about what happened they too would be shot” said a local villager.
The villagers said that the military has already tried to cover up the story to the outside world.

Military training in this area has increased and the ethnic armed groups have joined together (TNLA, SSA, KIA) in fighting the Burmese soldiers, near Manthong Township. Thus, the villagers are often subject to torture and threats by the Civilian Government’s Military as they accuse the people are giving information to their ethnic enemies.
Still looking for the next process….
Information and Human Rights Documentation Department
Ta’ang Students and Youth Organization
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