
Monday, May 30, 2011

ေႏြစပါးα€…ိုα€€္ပ်ဳိးခိုင္းျခင္းေၾကာင့္ α€œα€š္α€žα€™ားα€™်ား ထခက္ေတြα‚”

α€›ွα€™္းျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္ေျα€™ာα€€္ပိုင္း α€€ြတ္ခိုင္ေα€’α€žα€ြင္ ေႏြစပါးထတင္းထၾကပ္ α€…ိုα€€္ပ်ဳိးခိုင္းျခင္းေၾကာင့္ α€œα€š္α€žα€™ားα€™်ား α€…ိတ္α€Šα€…္ေα€”α€›ေၾကာင္းα€žိα€›ိွရပါα€žα€Š္။

ေα€™α€œ ပထမ ထပါတ္တြင္ α€€ြတ္ခိုင္ၿမိဳα‚•α€”α€š္α€₯α€€ၠα€Œα€”ွင့္ α€…ိုα€€္ပ်ဳိးေα€›းα€™α€”္ေနဂ်ာα€™ွ α€œα€š္α€žα€™ားα€™်ားα€€ို α€‘α€…α€Š္းထေ၀းေα€αšα€šူα€€ာ ေႏြစပါးα€…ိုα€€္ပ်ဳိးα€›α€”္ ထတင္းထၾကပ္ေစခိုင္းခဲ့ေၾကာင္း α€œα€š္ပိုင္α€›ွင္တစ္α€₯ီးα€™ွ ေျပာျပခဲ့ပါα€žα€Š္။

“α€‘α€˜ိုးတိုα‚”α€œα€š္α€€ိုα€žီးα€…ားေပးထားα€α€š္။ α€žားα€žα€™ီးေတြα€€ ထေ၀းα€™ွာဆိုေတာ့ α€‘α€˜ြားα€”ဲα‚” α€”ွα€…္ေα€šာα€€္α€α€Š္းα€˜ဲ α€œα€š္ကထြα€€္တဲ့စပါးေတြα€€ို α€œα€š္ထငွားα€šူထားတဲ့α€žူα€”ဲα‚” တေα€šာα€€္တ၀က္α€…ီ α€™ွ်α€…ားαΎα€€α€α€š္။ α€’ါα€”ဲ့ပဲα€…ားေα€”α€›α€α€š္ေα€œ။ ထခု ထစိုးα€›α€€ ေႏြစပါးα€…ိုα€€္ခိုင္းေတာ့ α€‘α€˜ိုးတိုα‚”α€€ စပါးα€™α€…ိုα€€္ႏုိင္α€˜ူးေα€œ α€œα€š္α€žီးα€…ားငွားတဲ့α€žူα€€α€œဲ α€™ိုးစပါးပဲα€…ိုα€€္တာဆိုေတာ့ α€˜α€š္α€œိုα€œုပ္α€› α€™ွα€”္းေတာင္းα€™α€žိေတာ့α€˜ူး ”
α€€ြတ္ခိုင္ၿမိဳα‚”α€”α€š္ α€”α€™့္ဖတ္α€€ာα€›ြာ၌ ထာဏာပိုင္ထစိုးရထဖဲြα‚”α€”ွင့္ α€›ြာခံα€œα€š္α€žα€™ားα€™်ား α€™ေα€€်မနပ္ျα€–α€…္ေα€”ေၾကာင္း α€œα€š္α€žα€™ားတစ္α€₯ီးေျပာျပခ်α€€္α€‘α€›α€žိα€›ိွရပါα€žα€Š္။

α€€ြတ္ခိုင္ၿမိဳ႔တြင္ α€›ာα€žီα€₯တုထရမ္းေထးေα€žာေၾကာင့္ ေႏြစပါးα€…ိုα€€္ပ်ဳိးα€›α€”္ α€™ျα€–α€…္္α€”ိုင္ေၾကာင္း α€œα€š္α€žα€™ားတစ္α€₯ီးα€™ွ ထပ္α€™ံေျပာျပခဲ့ပါα€žα€Š္။

“α€™α€”ွα€…္တုα€”္းα€€ α€€်ေတာ္တို့ေႏြစပါးα€…ိုα€€္တာထရမ္းα€›ံႈးα€α€š္။ α€’ီα€™ွာကမပူေတာ့ ေႏြစပါးα€…ိုα€€္α€œိုα‚” ထဆင္α€™ေျα€•α€˜ူး။ α€’ုကၑေတြထရမ္းေα€›ာα€€္α€›α€α€š္ α€’ီα€”ွα€…္ေတာ့α€™α€…ိုα€€္ခ်င္ေတာ့α€˜ူး α€™ိုးα€›ာα€žီα€œဲ ေα€›ာα€€္ေတာ့α€™ွာα€™ိုα‚” α€™ိုးစပါα€œဲα€…ိုα€€္α€›ေတာ့α€™α€š္။ထခိ်α€”္α€œဲα€™α€›ိွေတာ့α€˜ူး”

ထာဏာပိုင္α€™်ားေျပာα€žα€Š့္ထတိုင္း ေႏြစပါးα€™α€…ိုα€€္ပ်ဳိပါα€€ α€œα€š္α€™်ားα€€ိုα€žိα€™္းα€™α€Š္ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး α€™ိα€™ိတုိα‚”၏ α€œα€š္α€€ို ျပန္α€œိုခ်င္α€œွ်င္ α€œူျမင္α€€ြင္းα€™်ားေα€›ွ့၌ ေငြတစ္α€žိα€”္းငါးေα€žာင္း (၁၅၀၀၀၀)α€€်ပ္ ျဖင့္ျပန္α€œα€Š္ ေα€›ြးα€›α€™α€Š္α€Ÿု ၿခိα€™္းေျခာα€€္ေα€žာေၾကာင့္ ထာဏာပိုင္ထဖဲြα‚”α€‘α€…α€Š္းα€”ွင့္ α€œα€š္α€žα€™ားα€™်ားထၾကား α€™ေၾကမနပ္α€™ႈျα€–α€…္ေα€”ေၾကာင္း α€žိα€›ိွရပါα€žα€Š္။
α€šα€α€„္α€”ွα€…္α€™်ားတြင္ ေႏြစပါးα€…ိုα€€္ခိုင္းေα€žာ္α€œα€Š္း α€™α€…ိုα€€္α€œွ်င္ ဒဏ္ေငြေဆာင္ခိုင္းျခင္း၊ ၿခိα€™္းေျခာα€€္ျခင္းα€™်ဳိးα€™α€›ိွေပ။
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၂၀၁၁ခုႏွα€…္၊ေα€™α€œ(၂၅)α€›α€€္ေα€”α‚” α€”ံα€”α€€္(၉)α€”ာα€›ီခန္႔တြင္ α€›ွα€™္းျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္ေျα€™ာα€€္ပုိင္း၊α€”α€™့္ခမ္းၿမိဳα‚•α€”α€š္၊ α€”α€™့္α€…ိပ္ေα€€်းα€›ြာα€›ွိ α€˜ုα€”္းα‚€α€€ီးေα€€်ာင္း α€™ီးေα€œာင္α€žြားခဲ့α€žα€Š္။ ေα€€်ာင္းထုိင္α€˜ုα€”္းα‚€α€€ီးα€™ွာဒဏ္α€›ာျပင္းထန္α€…ြာα€›α€›ွိၿပီး α€šα€ုထိ α€”α€™့္ခမ္းၿမိဳα‚• ျα€•α€Š္α€žူα‚”ေဆးα€›ုံα‚€α€€ီးတြင္ ေဆးα€€ုα€žα€™ွဳ ခံα€šူေα€”ေၾကာင္းα€žိα€›ွိα€›α€žα€Š္။

" ေα€€်ာင္းထုိင္α€˜ုα€”္းα‚€α€€ီးα€€ေတာ့ α€œα€Š္ပင္း၊α€œα€€္၊α€₯ီးေခါင္းပါ ဒဏ္α€›ာα€›α€α€š္၊ α€€ုိရင္ေα€œးေတြα€€ေတာ့ α€˜ာα€™ွα€™ျα€–α€…္ပါα€˜ူး" ေα€’α€žα€ံတα€₯ီး ေျပာျပခ်α€€္α€‘α€›α€žိα€›ွိα€žα€Š္။

α€™ီးေα€œာင္α€žြားα€žα€Š့္α€˜ုα€”္းα‚€α€€ီးေα€€်ာင္းα€™ွာ α€œα€€္α€›ွိခန္္းα€™ွα€”္းေျခထားျဖင့္ α€žိα€”္း(၅)ေထာင္ေα€œာα€€္ တန္α€–ုိးα€›ွိၿပီး၊ α€™ီးေα€œာင္α€…α€₯္ α€”α€™့္α€…ိပ္ေα€€်းα€›ြာ ထျပင္ ထနီးထနားα€›ွိα€›ြာα€žူα€›ြာα€žားα€™်ားα€œα€Š္း α€œာေα€›ာα€€္α€€ူα€Šီ ၿငိα€™္းေပးαΎα€€α€žα€Š္။

" α€€်ေα€”ာ္တုိα‚”α€™α€”္α€…α€€္α€›ြာα€€ α€œူထေα€šာα€€္(၁၅၅)α€žြားα€€ူၿငိα€™္းα€α€š္၊ α€’ါေα€•α€™α€š့္ α€˜ုα€”္းα‚€α€€ီးေα€€်ာင္းတစ္ခုα€œုံး α€˜ာα€™ွα€™α€€်α€”္ေထာင္ α€™ီးေα€œာင္ α€žြားα€α€š္"α€Ÿု α€™α€”္α€…α€€္α€›ြာα€žားတစ္α€₯ီးေျပာျပခဲ့α€žα€Š္။

ထစုိးα€›α€€ေα€”α€™ွ  α€α€…ုံတရာα€œာေα€›ာα€€္α€€ူα€Šီေဆာင္α€›ြα€€္ေပးျခင္းα€™α€›ွိα€žα€Š့္ထျပင္ α€™ီးေα€œာင္ၿပီးေα€”ာα€€္(၂)α€›α€€္ ထၾကာတြင္ α€”α€™့္ခမ္းၿမိဳα‚•α€™ွ α€›ဲα€žား(၃)α€₯ီး α€›ြာေα€›ာα€€္α€œာၿပီး α€›ြာα€žားα€™်ားထား α€˜ာေၾကာင့္α€™ီးေα€œာင္α€žα€Š္α€€ုိ ေα€™းျα€™α€”္းခဲ့α€žα€Š္၊၊ α€›ြာα€žားα€™်ားα€€ α€™ီးေα€œာင္α€›α€žα€Š့္ ထေၾကာင္းရင္းα€€ုိ α€™α€žိα€˜ူးα€œုိα‚”ေျပာα€žα€Š့္ထခါ α€›ဲα€™်ားα€™ွ α€›ြာα€žားα€™်ားα€€ုိ  α€™ေျα€–ႏုိင္ပါα€€ ေထာင္ခ်ပစ္α€™α€Š္α€Ÿု ၿခိα€™္းေျခာα€€္ခဲ့ေၾကာင္း ေα€’α€žα€ံα€™်ား ထံα€™ွα€žိα€›ွိα€›α€žα€Š္။

α€”α€™့္α€…ိပ္α€˜ုα€”္းα‚€α€€ီးေα€€်ာင္းတြင္ ေα€€်ာင္းထုိင္α€˜ုα€”္းα‚€α€€ီး(၁)ပါးထပါထဝင္ α€€ုိရင္(၁၀)ပါးေα€€်ာ္ α€žီတင္းα€žုံး ေနထုိင္α€žα€Š္။

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α€”α€™့္ဆန္ၿမိဳ႕တြင္း ႏြား၊ျမင္းα€™်ား ျဖတ္α€žα€”္းα€žြားα€œာခြင့္ပိတ္ပင္ခံα€›

α€”α€™့္ဆန္ၿမိဳ႕တြင္း တိα€›α€…ာၦန္α€™်ားျဖတ္α€žα€”္းα€žြားခြင့္α€™ျပဳα€žα€Š့္ ထမိα€”္α‚”ေၾကာင့္ေα€€်းα€›ြာα€‘α€žီးα€žီးα€™ွ ႏြား၊α€œား၊ျမင္း တုိα‚”ျဖင့္ α€œα€€္α€–α€€္ႏွင့္ ထျခားα€€ုα€”္ပစα₯α€Š္းα€™်ား α€žα€š္α€šူပုိα‚”ေဆာင္ေα€”ေα€žာ ေα€’α€žα€ံα€™်ား α€’ုကၑေα€›ာα€€္ေနၾကေၾကာင္း α€žိα€›ွိα€›α€žα€Š္။

α€”α€™့္ဆန္ၿမိဳα‚•α€žα€Š္ α€œα€™္းα€™α‚€α€€ီးတခုα€α€Š္းα€žာα€›ွိၿပီး α€šα€ုα€œုိα€…α€Š္းα€€α€™္းခ်α€€္α€žα€Š္ တထာင္း(ပေα€œာင္) α€€ုိα€š္ပုိင္ ထုပ္ခ်ဳပ္ခြင့္α€›ေα€’α€žα€₯ီးα€…ီးထဖြဲα‚” α€–ြဲ႔ၿပီးေα€”ာα€€္ပုိင္း ပထမဆုံးခ်α€™ွတ္α€žα€Š့္α€…α€Š္းα€€α€™္းျα€–α€…္ၿပီး၂၀၁၁၊ေα€™α€œ(၂) α€›α€€္ေα€”α‚”α€™ွ α€…၍ α€”ံα€”α€€္ (၇)α€”ာα€›ီα€™ွ α€Šေα€” (၄)α€”ာα€›ီထထိ ၿမိဳ႕တြင္း ျမင္း၊ႏြား၊α€œားα€™်ားα€€ုိ ျဖတ္α€žα€”္းα€žြားα€œာခြင့္ ပိတ္ပင္ထားျခင္းျα€–α€…္α€žα€Š္။

"α€€်ေα€”ာ္တုိα‚”α€œα€€္α€–α€€္ေတြα€€ုိ α€›ြာα€€ေα€” ျမင္းα€”ဲα‚”α€žြားပုိα‚”α€›α€α€š္၊ ထခုα€œုိα€…α€Š္းα€€α€™္းထုတ္ထားေတာ့ ခက္တာေပါα‚”၊ α€™α€”α€€္ (၇)α€”ာα€›ီမထုိးခင္ ၿမိဳα‚•α€€ုိထမွီျဖတ္α€–ုိα‚” α€™ုိးα€™α€œα€„္းခင္α€€α€α€Š္းα€€α€žြားα€›α€α€š္၊ ျပန္α€œာα€–ုိα‚”α€œα€Š္းα€Šေα€” (၄)α€”ာα€›ီ α€™ေα€€်ာ္မခ်င္း ေα€…ာင့္ေα€”α€›α€α€š္ α€˜α€š္α€œုိα€™ွα€€ုိ ထဆင္α€™ေျα€•α€˜ူး α€œα€™္းα€€α€œα€Š္းα€’ီα€α€œα€™္းပဲα€›ွိတာ" α€Ÿုα€›ြာα€žားတစ္α€₯ီး α€™ွေျပာျပခဲ့α€žα€Š္။

α€”α€™့္ဆန္α€œα€€္α€–α€€္α€€ုα€”္α€žα€Š္α€™်ားα€™ွ α€œားα€›ွိဳးတုိင္းα€™ွဳးထံα€žုိα‚” α€šα€ုα€…α€Š္းα€€α€™္းခ်α€€္α€žα€Š္ α€”α€™့္ဆန္ေα€’α€žα€ြင္း ျα€–α€…္ေနတဲ့ ထေျခထေနထရ α€œုံးဝမကုိα€€္α€Šီေၾကာင္း၊ ထနီးထနားα€›ြာေတြα€Ÿာ ျမင္း၊ႏြား၊α€œားα€™်ားα€€ုိα€žာ ထားα€€ုိးၿပီးၿမိဳα‚•ေα€•αšα€žုိα‚”  α€œα€€္α€–α€€္ေတြတင္ပုိ႔ရၿပီး၊α€œုိထပ္α€žα€Š္α‚” ဆန္ႏွင့္α€…ားေα€žာα€€္α€€ုα€”္ပစα₯α€Š္းα€™်ားα€€ုိ ျပန္α€œα€Š္တင္ေဆာင္α€›ေၾကာင္းα€€ို α€…ာတင္ထားα€žα€Š္။ α€žုိα‚”ေα€žာ္ တုိင္းα€™ွဳးထံα€™ွတစုံတရာ  α€‘ေၾကာင္းျပန္ျခင္းα€€ုိα€™ူ α€šα€ုခ်ိα€”္ထိα€™ေတြα‚”α€›ွိα€›ေα€žးပါ။

α€šα€ုα€…α€Š္းα€€α€™္းခ်α€€္α€€ုိ α€”α€™့္ဆန္α€™α€šα€€α€₯α€€ၠα€Œα€™ွ ေα€€်ာင္းα€žူ၊ေα€€်ာင္းα€žားα€™်ား ေα€€်ာင္းတတ္ခ်ိα€”္တြင္ ထေႏွာα€€္α€‘α€šွα€€္ျα€–α€…္α€žα€Š္ဆုိေα€žာ ထေၾကာင္းျပခ်α€€္ျဖင့္ထုတ္ျပန္ထားတာျα€–α€…္ၿပီး α€œုိα€€္α€”ာα€™ွဳα€™α€›ွိပါα€€ ဒဏ္ေငြ(၁၀,၀၀၀)α€€်ပ္ ေပးေဆာင္α€›α€™α€Š္ျα€–α€…္α€žα€Š္။

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Temporary marking of gas pipeline boundary begins in Northern Shan State

Starting from the 2nd week of April 2011, sourced from local people that the provisional mapping of the location of the  gas pipeline which will run from Khyatphyu, Arakhan State to China have begun in Mansan, Namatu, and Maimaw, Namatu Township, Northern Shan State.
Locals expect an abundance of land confiscation and human rights abuses to take place along the boundary pillars of pipeline in Mansan, west of Maimu, west of Lonmate, west of Kaunghyon, and west of Manmai and other villages between Namatu and Mansan.
“They have finished setting up the temporary boundaries from Nammatu to Maimaw and we have heard that they will continue measuring along the Shweli Hydro Power transmit line. They came and located 20 acres at farm of U Aik Yay and 20 acres at Kupanaung’s in east of Mainampanlay village” said the next local villager.
Not only do villagers really worry that currently, they have crossed in total 10 villages abut also they are anxious that they will continue passing many villages along the road between Namatu and Maimaw, which will lead to the presence of one Chinese engineer and two Burmese military staffs for measuring the gas pipes.
Most Ta’ang (Palaung), some Kachin, Shan, and other ethnics live along the roads where the gas pipes will cross within in Northern Shan State. It will probably increase the number of land confiscation cases, where the land will be needed for laying the pipeline. These areas are where local people have paddy fields, tea farms, and vegetable gardens thus affecting their livelihoods.

Information and Documentation
Ta’ang Students and Youth Organization
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Military operation soldiers rob local people of vegetables

Due to ongoing conflict between Burmese military and SSPP/SSA-N within in Northern Shan State and in order to defend Shan armies, Kutkai Base Battalion (241) collected 50 guards per village from many villages near Kutkai and build temporary camps for regimentation security around Kutkai Town.
The SPDC soldiers threatened and robbed vegetables, fruit, and pets of local villagers in Tonsin(dang) village, Tonsin(dyet) village, Mannoung village, Kholon villager, Pansay village, and other villages.
“They took our vegetables without permission and didn’t even pick them properly so, they pinched the branch, root, and leaf and destroyed the field and then they forced villagers to give them their hens,” said a local villager.
Villagers grow their vegetables and to sell in nearby towns. Not only do some market sellers vend in Kutkai market but they also sell in different markets such as Tarmoenyi market, Thainee market, and Namslad market and their livelihoods basically depend on selling these vegetables.
“The soldiers based at village cited village security as the reason for them being there but they killed our hens and picked the vegetables whenever they wanted to and then destroyed the new crops. Villagers were afraid of when the soldiers were they threatened them. Women could not work safely at farms and were not able to go out after dark” said a village woman, who disputes village security as the reason the soldiers are based in her village.

Information and Documentation
Ta’ang Students and Youth Organization
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α€žα€…္ေတာ့ျပဳα€”္းတီးα€™ွဳေၾကာင့္ ေα€žာα€€္α€žံုးေα€›α€›ွားပါးα€œာ

α€›ွα€™္းျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္ေျα€™ာα€€္ပိုင္း၊ α€™ူα€†α€š္ခရိုင္၊ α€”α€™့္ခမ္းၿမိဳα‚”α€”α€š္တ၀ိုα€€္α€›ွိ ေတာင္ေα€•αšေα€€်းα€›ြာα€™်ားတြင္ ေα€žာα€€္α€žံုးေα€› α€›ွားပါးα€œာေၾကာင္း α€žိα€›ွိရပါα€žα€Š္။ ေα€›α€›ွားပါးα€œာα€›ျခင္း ထဓိကထေၾကာင္းထရင္းα€™ွာ α€žα€…္ေတာα€™်ားျပဳα€”္းတီးα€œာα€™ွဳေၾကာင့္ျα€–α€…္ေၾကာင္း ေα€’α€žα€ံα€›ြာ α€žားတစ္α€₯ီးα€™ွ ေျပာျပပါα€žα€Š္။

“α€€ြ်α€”္မတိုα‚”α€›ြာα€™ွာ ထရင္ကဆိုရင္ ေတာေတာင္ေတြထမ်ားα‚€α€€ီးα€›ွိα€α€š္။ α€…ိα€™္းα€œα€”္းα€…ိုေျပေα€”α€α€š္။ ေα€›ေတြα€œα€Š္းေပါα€œြα€”္းα€œိုα‚”။ ထခုေတာ့ α€™ုိးα€›ြာα€™ွα€˜ဲ ေα€›α€›ေတာ့α€α€š္။ ေတာေတြထဲα€™ွာα€œဲ α€žα€…္ပင္ေတြα€™α€›ွိေတာ့α€˜ူး။ ေတာထဲα€€ α€›ွိα€žα€™ွ် α€žα€…္ေတြခုတ္ၿပီး α€™ီီးေα€žြးα€–ုတ္α€α€š္။ α€™ိα€žားα€…ု α€…ား၀တ္ေα€”ေα€›း ျပႆα€”ာα€€ို ထဲα€’ါα€”ဲ႔ပဲ ေျα€–α€›ွင္းေနရတာα€€ို။ ေတာင္ေတြα€™ွာα€€ α€žα€…္ပင္ေတြα€™α€›ွိေတာ့ α€…α€™္းေခ်ာင္းေတြα€œဲ ေα€€ာင္းေα€€ာင္းα€™α€›ွိေတာ့α€˜ူးေα€œ ေတာင္α€€်α€…α€™္းေခ်ာင္းေα€›α€€ိုပဲ ေα€žာα€€္ေရထျα€–α€…္α€”ဲ႕ထားα€€ိုးရတာဆိုေတာ့ α€…α€™္းေခ်ာင္းေတြα€™α€›ွိေတာ့ ေα€žာα€€္ေα€›α€™α€›ွိα€žေα€œာα€€္ျα€–α€…္α€œာα€α€š္။ α€™ီေα€žြးα€–ုတ္α€œြα€”္းα€œိုα‚• ထင္းα€œုပ္α€–ိုα‚•α€žα€…္ေတာင္α€™α€›ွိေတာ့α€˜ူး။ ထခုထင္းခုတ္α€–ုိ႔ထတြα€€္ေတာင္ α€™α€›ွိα€žေα€œာα€€္α€›ွားေနၿပီ။ ေတာင္ေတြဆိုα€œဲ ေတာင္ကတုα€”္းေတြျα€–α€…္α€€ုα€”္ၿပီ။ α€žα€…္ပင္α‚€α€€ီးα‚€α€€ီးေတြဆိုα€œဲ α€™α€›ွိေတာ့α€žေα€œာα€€္ပဲ။ ထခုဆိုရင္ α€’ီα€˜α€€္α€™ွာ α€žα€…္ပင္ေတြα€™α€›ွိေတာ့ တျခားα€™ွာα€žြားၿပီး α€™ီးေα€žြးα€–ုတ္αΎα€€α€α€š္။ ကခ်င္α€”α€š္α€˜α€€္α€™ွာα€žြားၿပီး α€™ီးေα€žြးα€–ုတ္ၾကတာ။ α€žα€…္ပင္α‚€α€€ီးေတြα€™α€›ွိေတာ့ α€›ာα€žီα€₯တုα€œα€Š္း α€™ေα€€ာင္းေတာ့α€˜ူး၊ α€’ီ္ေႏြα€™ွာဆို α€™ိုးခဏခဏရြာα€α€š္ေα€œ။ ေα€›ႊα€–ီခ်ိα€”္ဆိုရင္ ထရင္α€€ α€œα€€္α€–α€€္ေတြခူးေနၿပီေα€œ ထခုေတာ့ α€™ိုးခဏခဏရြာα€œိုα‚• α€œα€€္α€–α€€္α€œα€Š္းေα€€ာင္းေα€€ာင္းခူးα€œိုα‚”α€™α€›α€˜ူး။ α€›ြာα€™ွာα€™ီးα€žံုးα€–ိုα‚”α€€ို ေခ်ာင္းα‚€α€€ီးα€€ေα€›ေတြထားα€€ိုးα€›α€α€š္ေα€œ ထခုေခ်ာင္းα‚€α€€ီးေα€›α€€α€œα€Š္း α€™ီးေပးα€œိုα‚”α€™ႏိုင္ေတာ့α€˜ူး။ ထရင္α€€ တရြာα€œံုးေခ်ာင္းα‚€α€€ီးα€€ ေα€›းထားα€œွ်ပ္α€…α€…္α€”ဲα‚• α€™ီးα€›α€α€š္။ ထခုဆိုရင္ α€€်မတိုα‚” α€žံုးေα€œးထိα€™္α€…ုၿပီးα€™ွ α€€ုိα€š့္α€”ီးစပ္α€›ာေခ်ာင္းα€™ွာ α€™ီးα€…α€€္α€α€š္ၿပီးα€™ီးα€šူα€›α€α€š္။ ေα€žာα€€္α€žံုးေα€›α€œα€Š္းα€›ွားေနၿပီ။ α€€်မတို႕ဆီα€™ွာ ထရင္α€€ α€…α€™္းေα€›(ေα€žာα€€္ေα€›) ေပါα€žေα€œာα€€္ ထခုေတာ့ ေα€›α€€α€›ွားေနၿပီ။ ထခု α€€ြ်α€”္မတိုα‚”α€›ြာထတြα€€္ေα€žာα€€္ေရထဆင္ေျပဖို႔ဆိုၿပီး Care Myanmar α€”ဲα‚” UNICEFα€€ ေα€›α€žြα€š္ေပးα€–ိုα‚”α€œုပ္ေα€”α€α€š္၊ α€žူတိုα‚”α€€ α€€ုα€”္α€€်α€…α€›ိတ္α€€ို ေထာα€€္ပံ့ေပးα€α€š္။ α€€ြ်α€”္မတိုα‚”α€›ြာα€žူ၊ α€›ြာα€žားေတြα€€ α€œုပ္ထားေပးရတာေပါ့ေα€”ာ္။ ေα€›α€žြα€š္α€›α€™ဲ့ေα€”α€›ာα€œα€Š္း ထေ၀းα‚€α€€ီးα€˜ဲ။ ၂-၃ပတ္ထတြင္း ၿပီးေထာင္α€œုပ္ေပးα€™α€š္α€œိုα‚” ေျပာα€α€š္။

ထို႔ထျပင္ ထခုα€›ာα€žီα€™ွာ α€œα€š္α€žα€™ားေတြ α€œα€š္စ၀င္α€›α€™α€Š့္ထခ်ိα€”္ျα€–α€…္ေα€”α€žျဖင့္ α€œα€š္α€žα€™ားα€™်ား ေရထခက္ထခဲၾကံဳα€›α€™α€Š္α€€ို α€…ိုးα€›ိα€™္ေα€”αΎα€€α€žα€œို α€›ြာα€žူ၊α€›ြာα€žားα€™်ားα€žα€Š္α€œα€Š္း α€œα€š္α€žα€™ားα€™်ား α€œα€š္α€œုပ္α€œွ်င္ ရပ္α€›ြာထဲေα€›α€™α€œာα€™α€Š္α€€ို α€…ိုးα€›ိα€™္ေα€”αΎα€€α€žα€Š္၊

“α€œα€š္α€žα€™ားေတြဆိုရင္ α€œα€š္α€œုပ္α€›α€™ဲ့ထခ်ိα€”္ေα€›ာα€€္ေနၿပီ။ α€œα€š္α€œုပ္ရင္ေတာ့ ေရပိုα€›ွားα€™α€š္။ ထားα€œံုးα€€ ေခ်ာင္းေα€›α€€ိုα€˜ဲ ထားα€€ိုးေα€”α€›α€α€š္။”α€Ÿု ထိုα€›ြာα€žားα€™ွ ဆက္α€œα€€္ေျပာျပခဲ့ပါα€žα€Š္၊

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

ဂတ္(α€…္)ပုိα€€္α€œုိင္းα€šာα€šီα€™ွတ္တုိင္α€™်ား α€›ွα€™္းေျα€™ာα€€္ထတြင္းစတင္

၂၀၁၁ခုႏွα€…္၊ ဧၿပီα€œ α€’ုတိα€šα€•α€္α€™ွစၿပီး ရခုိင္ျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္ ေα€€်ာα€€္ျα€–ဴα€™ွ တ႐ုတ္ျα€•α€Š္α€žုိα‚” α€žα€˜ာ၀ဓာတ္ေငြα‚•ႏွင့္ ေα€›α€”ံပိုα€€္α€œုိင္း ထတြα€€္ α€›ွα€™္းျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္ေျα€™ာα€€္ပုိင္း၊ နမၼတူၿမိဳα‚•α€”α€š္ α€™α€”္α€…ံ-နမၼတူ-α€™ုိင္းေα€™ာ္ထထိဂတ္(α€…္)ပုိα€€္α€œုိင္းα€šာα€šီငုတ္တုိင္α€™်ား၊ ထမွတ္α€‘α€žားα€™်ား α€…ုိα€€္ထူေα€”ေၾကာင္း ေα€’α€žα€ံα€™်ားေျပာျပခ်α€€္ထရ α€žိα€›ွိα€›α€žα€Š္။ α€™α€”္α€…ံ-နမၼတူၾကားဂတ္(α€…္)ပုိα€€္α€œုိင္းα€œα€™္းတေα€œ်ာα€€္ထတြင္းα€™α€”္α€…ံ၊α€™ုိင္းα€™ုထေα€”ာα€€္α€˜α€€္ျခမ္း၊ α€œုံα€™ိတ္ ထေα€”ာα€€္α€˜α€€္ျခမ္း၊ ေα€€ာင္းα€Ÿုα€”္းထေα€”ာα€€္α€˜α€€္ျခမ္း၊ α€™α€”္α€™ုိင္ထေα€”ာα€€္α€˜α€€္ျခမ္း α€…α€žα€Š့္ ေα€€်းα€›ြာေပါင္း(၁၅)α€›ြာα€›ွိα€›ာဂတ္(α€…္)ပုိα€€္α€œုိင္း α€šာα€šီα€™ွတ္တုိင္α€™်ားα€…ုိα€€္ထူα€™ွဳေၾကာင့္ α€œα€š္α€šာေျα€™α€™်ား၊ α€…ုိα€€္ပ်ဳိးေα€›းျခံα€™်ားα€…α€žα€Š့္တုိα‚” α€žိα€™္းα€†α€Š္းခံα€›ႏုိင္ေၾကာင္း α€žိα€›ွိပါα€žα€Š္။
α€™α€”္α€…ံႏွင့္နမၼတူၾကားα€›ွိ ဆန္ခါးα€›ြာα€žားတစ္α€₯ီးα€™ွ ဂတ္(α€…္)ပုိα€€္α€œုိင္းα€œα€™္းေၾကာင္းα€žα€Š္ ၄င္းတုိα‚”α€›ြာα€‘α€œα€š္α€α€Š့္α€α€Š့္α€€ုိ ျဖတ္α€žြားα€™α€Š္ျα€–α€…္ေၾကာင္း၊ ဧၿပီα€œα€œα€š္α€€α€α€Š္းα€€ α€šာα€šီα€™ွတ္တုိင္ေတြ α€œာα€…ုိα€€္ၿပီးα€žြားၿပီျα€–α€…္ေၾကာင္းေျပာျပခဲ့α€žα€Š္။
ေα€”ာα€€္ေα€’α€žα€ံတစ္α€₯ီးα€™ွ "နမၼတူα€™ွ α€™ုိင္းေα€™ာ္ထထိα€œα€Š္းα€šာα€šီတုိင္ေတြ α€…ုိα€€္ၿပီးα€žြားၿပီ၊ α€žူတုိ႔ဆက္α€œα€€္ၿပီး α€’ီေα€›ႊα€œီဓါတ္ထား α€œုိင္းတစ္ေα€œ်ာα€€္ထပ္α€™ံတုိင္းတာα€™ွဳဆက္α€œုပ္α€™α€š္α€œုိα‚”α€œဲ α€žα€α€„္းၾကားα€›α€α€š္၊ α€™ိုင္းα€”α€™့္ပန္ေα€œး ေα€€်းα€›ြာ ထေα€›ွ့α€˜α€€္α€›ွိ ျခံပုိင္α€›ွင္ α€₯ီးထုိα€€္ေα€š့(ဧက၂၀ခန္α‚”)ႏွင့္ α€€ူα€”္ပန္းေထာင္(ဧက၂၀) တုိα‚”ျခံα€™ွာα€œα€Š္း α€™ွတ္တုိင္ေတြα€œာα€…ုိα€€္ α€žြားα€α€š္" α€Ÿု ေျပာျပခဲ့ပါα€žα€Š္။
α€šα€ုα€œα€€္α€›ွိ နမၼတူ-α€™ုိင္းေα€™ာ္ထိα€œα€™္းတေα€œ်ာα€€္ထတြင္း ေα€€်းα€›ြာေပါင္း (၁၀) α€›ြာα€€ုိျဖတ္α€žα€”္းα€žြားα€™α€Š့္ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး ေα€”ာα€€္ထပ္α€›ြာေပါင္း α€˜α€š္ေα€œာα€€္ထပ္α€™ံၿပီး ျဖတ္α€žြားα€™α€Š္α€€ုိေα€’α€žα€ံα€™်ားα€€ α€…ုိးα€›ိα€™္းေနၾကေၾကာင္းႏွင့္ ၎ဂတ္(α€…္)ပုိα€€္ α€œုိင္းα€™်ားα€€ုိ တုိင္းတာα€›α€”္ထတြα€€္ ထဓိကတရုတ္ထင္ဂ်င္α€”ီα€šာတစ္α€₯ီး ႏွင့္ထစုိးရဝန္ထမ္း(၂)α€₯ီးပါဝင္ေၾကာင္းα€žိα€›ွိα€›α€žα€Š္။
α€›ွα€™္းျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္ေျα€™ာα€€္ပုိင္းတြင္း ဂတ္(α€…္)ပုိα€€္α€œုိင္းျဖတ္α€žα€”္းα€žြားα€™α€Š့္ α€œα€™္းတစ္ေα€œ်ာα€€္တြင္ တထာင္း(ပေα€œာင္)α€œူα€™်ဳိး ထမ်ားα€…ုေနထုိင္ၿပီး ကခ်င္ႏွင့္α€›ွα€™္းα€…α€žα€Š့္ တုိင္းရင္းα€žားα€™်ားα€œα€Š္းေနထုိင္αΎα€€α€žα€Š္။ ၎ဂတ္(α€…္)ပုိα€€္α€œုိင္းေα€–ာα€€္α€œုပ္ α€žြားပါα€€ ျα€•α€Š္α€žူα€™်ားပုိင္ဆုိင္α€žα€Š့္ α€œα€š္ေျα€™α€™်ား၊ α€œα€€္α€–α€€္ၿခံα€™်ား။ α€Ÿα€„္းα€žီးα€Ÿα€„္းα€›ြα€€္ျခံα€™်ား α€žိα€™္းα€†α€Š္းခံα€›α€™ွဳα€™်ား တုိးပြားα€œာႏုိင္ေၾကာင္း α€žိα€›ွိရပါα€žα€Š္။
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Start importing gas pipeline from China to Burma

On May 12th, 2011, huge trucks were seen to start to import the large pipes that will be used in the gas pipeline project between Shweli and Kyial Koung which are located on the Burma -China border.
“I saw the big pipes were being transferred from one truck to another when I arrived at the China-Burma Trade Center. He said that it is for the gas pipeline and for four trucks already left to transport the pipes to Burmaand then two trucks were still transporting when I asked one of the Trade Center staffs.Five trucks carrying pipes crossed here last week” said a witness.
On the same issue, Muse local people often see truckscarrying gas pipe but they did not know what they were for. The gas pipesare transported from China to Burma in different ways such as by trucks, ships, and other means.
A local source said that the trucks that transport the pipes from China to Burma are covered by large tarpaulins in order to conceal the contents from the local people.
The Burma-China Shwe natural gas pipeline which is 792.5 km in length is still under construction. It runs from Kyautphy Town, Arakhan State across to Magwe Division, Madalay Division and Shan State in order to bring that gas pipeline project up to Kumin Town, Yunan State, China.
The gas pipelines which it is going to cross Shan State will built alongthe transmit line of Shweli Hydro Power Dam 1 in the Ta’ang area. It has alreadybeen documented in the Ta’ang Students and Youth Organization’s 2007 Dam Report “Under the Boot” that local people have had to face many human violationsas a result of the dam projects, now have to suffer a second set of violations as they build the Shwe Gas Pipeline.
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Two Ta’ang’s young women were trafficked into China

Lway Ei Ngin the daughter of U Sam Mai and Lway O Mai the daughter of U Aung Pan from Kar Lai Kone Sar district, Man Mai village,  Kut Khai, Northern Shan State of Burma have been trafficked to China.
On the 8th February, 2011 Lway Ei Ngin and Lway Ei Mai, 17 years were lured to go and work in Nampaka market at the grocery shop with 3,5000 Kyat by U Chit Aye and his wife, Daw Shwe Kyar, from Nam Pa Kar No. 1, Kut Kai township.
Lway O Mai’s father, U Pan Aung went to meet with his daughter in Nampaka on 1st of March; however, U Chit Aye and Daw Shwe Kyar, who took his daughter, said that she was not there and that she was working in the restaurant at Koe Mon water tank. If you would like to see her, we will send her in three or four days.
When his daughter after he waited for a week still had not come, he asked help from Ta’ang leaders.  The Ta’ang leaders complained to the Nampakar police station on 7th of April after they found out that U Chit Aye and Daw Shwe Kyar had contact with human traffickers.
The Ta’ang leaders and Col Kyaw Kyaw Naing, head of the police station, interrogated U Chit Aye and Daw Shwe Kyar in their home. They said that they did not traffic and that the two girls were working in Kyang Houng, China and then they signed on the agreement paper that says,” We will bring the two girls home on the 11th of April.”  However, the two girls still haven’t come back until now. Consequently a complaint was sent to the Kut Khai police station on 21st of April again but the police are still have not followed this up.
There has also been a similar case which U Aik Htet (Saw Ti Ya)’s daughter, Ma Ei Mo, 23 years who live in Lon Kan district, Man Pu village, Kut Kai Township was trafficked into marriage in China.
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Collecting reserve soldiers after militia training

In northern Shan state, Nam Kham, the 90 villagers who live in upper Parn York village and below Parn York were forced to attend militia training by the battalion (144), which is based at the Marn That village. Out of the 90 villagers, some 30 villagers were chosen to attend the gun fighting exercise training as permanent militia to Nampaka village on April 2nd. Presently, 60 villagers have been collected in Marn That village as reserve recruits.
According to the villagers, they said the authorities have never called the Ta’ang villagers to attend the militia training before. However, the authorities did not train the villagers in gun fighting excise training and only collected the villagers as reserve recruits; the villagers are worried about the reasons for this reserve recruitment due to the ongoing fighting between the army and the ethnic groups in the area.
“The military regime forced us to attend the militia training; however, this time is unlike before because the authorities train us in gun fighting exercise training and collect us as reserve recruits.  After the SSA-N and military soldier were fighting, the military regime’s plan was to collect us as reserve recruits for the frontline. The military regime will try to use us (the Ta’ang people) in fighting with the Shan soldiers therefore the government will create conflict between ethnic groups”, said the villager.
The villagers, who were forced to attend the militia training for reserve recruits, have been faced with many family problems, such as money problems. Most of those villagers, who attended the militia training, were relying on the yield from their tea farm and other crops, as a result of being forced to attend the militia training they have been unable to tend to their crops, thus loosing money for their families and it put them under severe mental strain as they worry about their women, elderly relatives and children having enough to eat.
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Excessive taxing on charcoal trucks

The authorities are extracting excessive amounts of money from charcoal truck drivers and normal drivers who are transporting goods between Maiwee village and Namkham town which is located 28 miles north of Namkham Town, Northern Shan State.
The charcoal traders use three axle Trucks, dump trucks, six wheelers, and cars for carriage. There are 28 gates to cross from Maiwee village to Namkham town and each gate requests the drivers to pay money.  We asked to charcoal traders how much of money they have to pay to pass each gate and if the prices were different at each gate?
“Different departments request money between Maiwee village and Namkham and unfairly, some gates ask for money even though it doesn’t concern their responsibilities. They don’t even ask for a small amount of money. So, we have to pay for Maiwee departing gate 26,000 Kyats, Manyong gate 4,000 Kyats, Kyoikhik gate 10,000 Kyats, Manpou 2,000 Kyats, Nampo gate 2,000 Kyats, Sikekin gate 10,000 Kyats, Honar gate 15,000 Kyats, M.V.C 5,000 Kyats, T.P.D.C (Koungkart village) 10,000 Kyat, City militia 5,000 Kyats, S.P 12,000 Kyats, four drug group 40,000 Kyats, Counteracted Trafficking Group 5,000 Kyats, Namkham traffic police 5,000 Kyats, militia (Pansay) 3,000 Kyats, (Ka Nya Na) 8,000 Kyats, forester (Winkan village) 32,000 Kyats, Investigation group 5,000 Kyats, Namkham (forester retirement) 15,000 Kyats, Immigration 6,000, and Pankham police 3,000 Kyats.  In total we have to pay 320,000 Kyats for just one load” said a charcoal trader.
A three axle truck can carry charcoal between 3,000 to 4,000 Viss (used weight in Myanmar). The price of one Viss of charcoal in villages fetches between 250 and 270 Kyats and in Namkham Town is between 500 and 600 and then from there the businessmen transport it to China.
Mostly, the lives of Ta’ang (Palaung) between Maiwee village and Namkham depend on baking charcoal. However, because of the extortionate amount of money the drivers have to pay at the gates it is often not worth anything in the end to the charcoal traders this then directly affects the local charcoal bakers’ livelihoods and the only people who are making a profit are the authorities at the gates.
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Force relocation and confiscation the land according to the main road construction

There were a number of tea farms confiscation and force relocation throughout Nam Shan to Man Tong for the main road construction, Northern Shan State, Burma.
Recently, on February 2011, two families from Homain village were forced to relocate their houses.
“Even though we did not get any compensation from the company, I have to pay (80000) kyats for grading the land into balance. Another person also has to pay (5000) kyats “said by the house owner who was forced relocation by the local authority.
The woman who is a shopkeeper also stated that “The families from my village (Man Mout), who lived the road side, were forced to relocate as well. As for me, I have already moved my residence-cum-shop three times “.
The villagers are very dissatisfy because they are frequently confiscated their tea farms, forests and plantations. The corporation companies of main road construction are Phyu Zin, Excellence Engineering, Chan Thar Shwe Myay and Man Myint Mo Hein Co.LTD.
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Local people pottered during the war

On March 29, 2011, from 6 PM to 9 PM local time, the Shan State Army North (SSAN) and the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) again fought at Pankhar Mountain near above Manloi village, Manloi village group, Namshan Township after they contestedat between Manngai village and Manlang village, Namlin group, Namshan Township, Kyaume restrict, Northern Shan State on March 28, 2011.
“On March 28, after the Maingai war, with some the SPDC armies and militia group which leaded by U TunMyat Lay from Ngaunsai village, Namshan Township together attacked on the way Shan armies will come on. The Shan armies were about 60 to 80 but we don’t know exactly the numbers of the SPDC soldiers. At that day, Lashio command reinforcement with three cars went to the happened war place to Manloi village” said villagers.
A local people said that the SPDC brought people and cars for porters during the period of the war. “On March 29, two cars have been portered in order to take soldiers in Kyawme. One car is from Ko Jain from Homain village and another car is unknown name. They left these soldiers in Homain village. Now, soldiers are at temporary camps in Manmai” said the local man.
“At the same time, the SPDC from Manton Township battalion (BI – 130)called the Palaung militia group and portered five villagers from Mantart village for carrying mortar and other heavy weapons in order to attack the upcoming of the Shan State Army North from Mantart village, Namkham Town and to stop their ways” said a witness.
On March 29 the SSAN moved back to Pantoung village and covered their tracks after the Pankhar war but the military blockaded the long way in Nammato and did sentry duty everywhere. However, from April 1 to 2, the war situation stopped.
“Local civilians were in trouble situation from the cause of the war conflict”said a tea farm owner. “Now,people from villages call workers for plucking tea as this is the ShwePeOo tea period. However, the workers went back to their hometown because they were afraid of this war. We cannot pick the tea and we lost money we already spent on workers’ transportation. Now, many families lost their tea as the tea is over mature. Many families depend on the ShwePeOo tea but they have to face a trouble in this year” said the man.
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Monday, May 16, 2011

Two villagers dead in the landmine explosion

On March 22, 2011 at 7 PM local time, a ten year old kid and a thirty eight year old man died in a mine explosion which we can assume was a landmine within Mantart village, Naalw village group, Manton Township, Northern Shan State.
“They were affected and killed in the explosion when they kept warm from a fire when they went to help to for construction of the oldest meditation camp,” said a villager.
“They and other people together said to help for the construction. The explosion occurred under the fire when they were getting warm as it was so cold before they went back home. Both of them got injuries in their chests and their faces were blasted,” said the man.
The same kind of explosion has happened in the last years. Not only did this kind of explosion injure people but it also injured local people’s animals such buffalos, cow, and horses.
“The explosion was very strong even we don’t know exactly what type of mine” said villagers.There was civil war in this place before.  Thus, landmine trouble is not safe at present.
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Saturday, May 14, 2011

တရုတ္α€™ွျα€™α€”္α€™ာျα€•α€Š္α€žုိα‚” ဂတ္ပုိα€€္α€œုိင္းα€™်ားစတင္α€žြင္းေα€”

၂၀၁၁ခုႏွα€…္၊ေα€™α€œ(၁၂)α€›α€€္ေန႔တြင္ α€›ွα€™္းျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္ေျα€™ာα€€္ပုိင္း၊ တရုတ္ျα€™α€”္α€™ာα€”α€š္စပ္ျα€–α€…္ေα€žာ ေα€›ႊα€œီႏွင့္ ဂ်α€š္ေဂါင္ၾကား ဂတ္ပုိα€€္α€œုံးα‚€α€€ီးα€™်ားα€€ုိ α€€ုα€”္တင္α€€ားα‚€α€€ီးα€™်ားျဖင့္ ျα€™α€”္α€™ာျα€•α€Š္α€žုိα‚” စတင္တင္α€žြင္းေα€”ေၾကာင္းေတြα‚”α€›ွိα€›α€žα€Š္။
"α€€်မတရုတ္-ျα€™α€”္α€™ာα€žြင္းα€€ုα€”္၊ ပုိα‚”α€€ုα€”္ဂိတ္ေα€›ာα€€္ေတာ့ ပုိα€€္α€œုံးα‚€α€€ီးေတြ တင္ထားတဲ့ α€€ားတစ္α€…ီးႏွင့္ တစ္α€…ီးပုိα€€္ေတြ α€œြဲေျပာင္းေနတာေတြα‚”α€α€š္၊ ေα€™းαΎα€€α€Š့္ေတာ့ ဂတ္ပုိα€€္ေတြα€œုိα‚”ေျပာα€α€š္၊ (၄)α€…ီးေတာ့ α€œြဲေျပာင္းၿပီးၿပီ၊ α€€်α€”္(၂)α€…ီးα€€ ေျပာင္းေနတုα€”္းα€›ွိေα€žးα€α€š္၊ ထရင္တပတ္α€€α€œα€Š္း α€’ါα€™်ိဳးပုိα€€္α€œုံးα‚€α€€ီးေတြတင္တဲ့ α€€ား(၅)α€…ီးျဖတ္α€žြားတာေတြα‚”α€α€š္" α€Ÿု α€™်α€€္ျမင္α€žα€€္ေα€žα€α€…္α€₯ီးα€€ေျပာျပခဲ့ပါα€žα€Š္။
α€‘α€œားတူဧၿပီα€œα€‘α€ြင္းα€œα€Š္း α€™ူα€†α€š္α€”α€š္ခံα€™်ားα€€ α€šα€ုα€œုိပုိα€€္α€œုံးတင္တဲ့α€€ားα€™်ား မၾကာခဏေတြα‚”α€›α€œ်α€€္α€›ွိ ေα€žာ္α€œα€Š္း α€˜ာထတြα€€္α€€ုိေတာ့ေα€’α€žα€ံα€™်ားα€€ α€™α€žိα€›ေၾကာင္းα€žိα€›ွိα€›α€žα€Š္။ ၎ပုိα€€္α€œုိα€€္α€™်ားα€€ုိတရုတ္ႏုိင္ငံα€™ွ ျα€™α€”္α€™ာα€žုိα‚” α€€ားα‚€α€€ီးα€™်ားျဖင့္α€œα€Š္းေα€€ာင္း၊ α€žေα€˜ာၤျဖင့္α€œα€Š္းေα€€ာင္း α€”α€Š္းα€œα€™္းထမ်ဳိးα€™်ိဳးျဖင့္ α€žα€š္ေဆာင္ေα€” ၾကာင္းα€žိα€›ွိα€›α€žα€Š္။
ေα€’α€žα€ံတစ္α€₯ီးα€œα€Š္း ပုိα€€္ေတြα€€ို တရုတ္α€€ေα€”α€’ီα€˜α€€္α€€α€™္းα€žုိα‚” α€€ားα€”ဲα‚”α€žα€š္α€α€š္။ ၿပီးရင္ ေα€’α€žα€ံေတြ α€™α€žိေထာင္ α€™ုိးα€€ာα‚€α€€ီးα€™်ားထုပ္ျပီးတင္α€žြင္းေနတာα€€ုိ ျမင္α€œုိα€€္α€›α€α€š္ α€œုိα‚”ေျပာျα€•α€žြားပါα€žα€Š္။
ျα€™α€”္α€™ာ-တ႐ုတ္ α€žα€˜ာ၀ဓာတ္ေငြα‚•ႏွင့္ေα€›α€”ံပိုα€€္α€œုိင္းα€žα€Š္ ထရႇα€Š္ ၇၉၂ α€’α€žα€™ ၅ α€€ီα€œိုα€™ီတာပိုα€€္α€œုိင္းα€™်ား ဆက္α€€ာ α€α€Š္ေဆာα€€္α€žြားα€™α€Š္ ျα€–α€…္ေၾကာင္းα€žိα€›ႇိရၿပီး ၎ပိုα€€္α€œုိင္းα€…ီα€™ံα€€ိα€”္းα€€ိုရခုိင္ျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္၊ ေα€€်ာα€€္ျα€–ဴၿမိဳα‚•α€™ွ စတင္α€€ာ α€™ေα€€ြးတုိင္း၊ α€™ႏၲေα€œးတုိင္းႏႇင့္ α€›ႇα€™္းျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္တိုα‚”α€€ို ျဖတ္α€žα€”္း၍ တ႐ုတ္ႏုိင္ငံα€šူα€”α€”္ျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္ α€€ူမင္းၿမိဳα‚• ထထိα€žြα€š္တန္း α€™α€Š္ျα€–α€…္α€žα€Š္။
α€›ွα€™္းျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္ေျα€™ာα€€္ပုိင္းတြင္ ျဖတ္α€žα€”္းα€žြားα€™α€Š့္ ဂတ္ပုိα€€္α€œုိင္းα€žα€Š္ တထာင္းေα€’α€žα€‘α€ြင္းα€›ွိ ေα€›ႊα€œီထမွတ္(၁) ဓါတ္ထားα€œုိင္းထတုိင္းα€α€Š္ေဆာα€€္α€žြားα€™α€Š္ျα€–α€…္ေၾကာင္း α€žိရၿပီး α€šα€α€„္ေα€›ႊα€œီေရထားα€œွ်ပ္α€…α€…္ေၾကာင့္ ေα€’α€žα€ံျα€•α€Š္ α€žူα€™်ား၏α€œα€š္α€šာα€žိα€™္းေျα€™α€žိα€™္းα€†α€Š္းα€™ွဳα€™်ား၊ α€œူ႔ထခြင့္ထေα€›းခ်ဳိးေα€–ာα€€္α€™ွဳα€™်ားα€…α€žα€Š့္ထေျခထေα€”α€™်ားႏွင့္ ရင္ဆုိင္ခဲ့α€› ေၾကာင္း တထာင္းေα€€်ာင္းα€žားα€™်ားႏွင့္ α€œူα€„α€š္α€™်ားထုတ္ျပန္α€žα€Š့္ α€…α€…္α€–ိနပ္ေထာα€€္α€€ေα€›ႊα€œီ(Under the Boot) ထစီထရင္ခံတြင္ ေα€–ာ္ျပခဲ့ပါα€žα€Š္။
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

α€…α€…္ဆင္ေα€›းတပ္α€™ွေα€’α€žα€ံα€™်ား၏ α€Ÿα€„္းα€›ြα€€္α€žီးႏွံα€™်ားα€œုα€šူα€–်α€€္ဆီး

α€›ွα€™္းျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္ေျα€™ာα€€္ပိုင္းထတြင္း ထစုိးα€›α€…α€…္တပ္α€”ဲα‚” SSPP/SSA-N တုိ႔ထၾကားျα€–α€…္ပြားခဲ့ေα€žာ α€…α€…္ပြဲေၾကာင့္ α€žα‚€α€€ၤα€”္ေα€”ာα€€္ပုိင္းα€™ွα€…၍ α€€ြတ္ခုိင္ၿမိဳ႔ထနီးတစ္ဝုိα€€္ α€›ွိတဲ့ေα€€်းα€›ြာေတြေတာ္ေတာ္α€™်ားα€™်ားα€™ွာ  α€€ြတ္ခုိင္ထေျခစုိα€€္ တပ္ရင္း(၂၄၁)α€₯ီးေဆာင္ၿပီး α€…α€…္α€žားα€™်ား တရြာα€€ုိα€œူထင္ထား ၅၀ ၀န္းα€€်င္ခန္α‚” α€›ွα€™္းα€…α€…္တပ္ေတြ ဝင္α€™α€œာေထာင္ α€šာα€šီစခန္းထျα€–α€…္ေα€”α€›ာα€šူျပီး α€œုံျခံဳေα€›းတင္းတင္း α€€်ပ္α€€်ပ္ခ်ထားေၾကာင့္ α€žိα€›ွိရပါα€žα€Š္။

နထဖစစ္α€žားေတြα€Ÿာ တုα€”္စင္α€’ါင္း၊တုα€”္စင္α€’ဲ့၊α€™α€”္ေα€”ာင္၊ခုိα€œုံ၊ ပန္းေဆး ထစရွိေα€€်းα€›ြာα€™်ားထတြင္း ေα€’α€žα€ံα€›ြာα€žားေတြα€›ဲα‚” ျခံထြα€€္α€žီးႏွံα€™်ား၊α€Ÿα€„္းα€žီးα€Ÿα€„္းα€›ြα€€္ႏွင့္ ထိα€™္ေα€™ြးတိα€›α€…ာၦန္α€™်ားထား ၿခိα€™္းေျခာα€€္မတရားα€žျဖင့္ α€šူα€…ားα€žုံးေα€”αΎα€€α€žα€Š္။

တုα€”္စင္(α€’ါင္း)α€›ြာα€žားတစ္α€₯ီးα€™ွ "α€›ြာထဲα€™ွာα€›ွိတဲ့α€Ÿα€„္းα€žီးα€Ÿα€„္းα€›ြα€€္ေတြ ခြင့္ျပဳခ်α€€္α€™α€›α€˜ဲ ခူးα€…ားα€α€š္ α€›ုိးα€›ုိးခူးတာα€™α€Ÿုတ္α€˜ူး ထပင္ေတြα€€ုိ ဆြဲႏုတ္α€α€š္၊ ထႏြα€š္ေတြα€€ုိ ပ်α€€္α€…ီးေထာင္α€œုပ္α€α€š္၊ ေα€”ာα€€္ၿပီး ၾကက္α€›ွိတဲ့ထိα€™္ေတြဆုိ ထတင္းα€‘α€“α€™αΌα€œာပုိ႔ခုိင္းα€α€š္၊α€žူတိုα‚”ေတြ ျခိα€™္းေျခာα€€္ေတာ့ α€›ြာα€žားေတြα€œα€Š္း ေၾကာα€€္ၿပီး α€™ေပးခ်င္α€˜ဲ α€œာပုိα‚”ေပးေα€”α€›α€α€š္"α€Ÿု α€–ြင့္α€Ÿေျပာဆိုခဲ့ပါα€žα€Š္။

ၿမိဳα‚”α€”ဲα‚”α€”ီးတဲ့α€›ြာေတြα€™ွာဆုိရင္ ျခံထြα€€္α€Ÿα€„္းα€žီးα€Ÿα€„္းα€›ြα€€္α€™်ားα€…ုိα€€္ၿပီး ၿမိဳα‚”ေα€•αšα€α€€္ေα€›ာင္းေα€œ့α€›ွိပါα€α€š္။ တခ်ိဳα‚”ေတြα€€ α€€ြတ္ခုိင္ေα€…်းထျပင္ ထျခားတာα€™ုိးα€Šဲေα€…်း၊ α€žိα€”္းα€”ီေα€…်း၊α€”α€™့္α€†α€œα€•္ေα€…်းα€žုိα‚” α€€ုα€”္α€…ိα€™္းေα€…်းပတ္α€œုိα€€္ေα€›ာင္း ျပီး ျခံထြα€€္α€Ÿα€„္းα€žီးα€Ÿα€„္းα€›ြα€€္α€€ုိα€žာ ထဓိα€€ α€™ွီခုိထားα€€ုိးေα€”αΎα€€α€›α€žα€Š္။

"α€…α€…္α€žားေတြα€€ ရပ္α€›ြာα€œုံျခံေα€›းထတြα€€္ဆိုျပီး α€›ြာα€™ွာα€œာထေျခခ်αΎα€€α€α€š္ ျပီးေတာ့ α€€်မတုိα‚” ၾကက္ေတြ၊ α€‘α€žီးထရြα€€္ေတြဆိုα€œα€Š္း ဝင္ခူးခ်င္α€žα€œို ဝင္ခူးα‚€α€€α€α€š္ ပ်ိဳးထားတဲ့ α€Ÿα€„္းေတြα€€ိုα€œα€Š္း နင္းခ်င္α€žα€œို  α€”င္းα€α€š္၊ ၿပီးေတာ့ α€Ÿုိα€œူα€€ုိေငါα€€္α€œုိα€€္ α€’ီα€œူα€€ုိျခိα€™္းေျခာα€€္α€œုိα€€္α€”ဲ႔ဆုိေတာ့ ထားα€œုံးα€€ေၾကာα€€္ေα€”α€›α€α€š္၊ α€™ိα€”္းα€€ေα€œးေတြα€œα€Š္း α€šာျခံα€‘α€œုပ္α€€ို ေα€€ာင္းေα€€ာင္းα€€ုိ α€™α€œုပ္α€›α€˜ူး၊ α€”α€Š္းα€”α€Š္းေα€™ွာင္တာα€œာα€”ဲα‚” α€™ျပန္α€›ဲၾကေတာ့α€˜ူး " α€Ÿုα€›ြာခံထမ်ိဳးα€žα€™ီး တစ္α€₯ီးα€™ွ α€…α€…္α€žားေတြ α€›ြာα€™ွထေျခခ်တဲ့ထတြα€€္ ၄င္းထတြα€€္ α€œုံျခဳံα€™ွဳα€™α€›ွိေတာ့တဲ့ထေျခထေα€”α€€ို α€Šα€₯္းα€žြားေျပာျပခဲ့α€žα€Š္။
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011


α€›ွα€™္းျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္ေျα€™ာα€€္ပုိင္း၊ α€€ြတ္ခုိင္ၿမိဳα‚•α€”α€š္၊ α€€ာα€œုိင္α€€ုα€”္းဆာထုပ္α€…ု၊ α€™α€”္α€™ုိင္ေα€€်းα€›ြာတြင္ ေနထုိင္α€žα€Š့္ α€₯ီးဆမ္α€™ုိင္၏ α€žα€™ီး ေα€œြးထီငင္း ႏွင့္ α€₯ီးပန္းေထာင္္၏α€žα€™ီး ေα€œြးထုိα€™ုိင္တို႔ထား တရုတ္ျα€•α€Š္α€žုိα‚” α€œူα€€ုα€”္α€€ူးခံα€›ေၾကာင္း α€žိα€›ွိရပါα€žα€Š္၊၊

α€€ြတ္ခုိင္ၿမိဳα‚•α€”α€š္၊α€”α€™့္ဖတ္α€€ာထမွတ္(၁)ရပ္α€€ြα€€္ေα€” α€₯ီးခ်α€…္ေထးႏွင့္ ေα€’αšေα€›ႊၾကာဇနီးေα€™ာင္ႏွံα€žα€Š္ α€‘α€žα€€္ ၁၇ ႏွα€…္α€žာα€›ွိေα€žးα€žα€Š့္ ေα€œြးထီငင္း ႏွင့္ ေα€œြးထိုα€™ိုင္တိုα‚•ႏွα€…္α€₯ီးထား α€”α€™့္ဖတ္α€€ာေα€…်းα€›ွိ α€€ုα€”္α€…ံုဆိုင္တြင္ တစ္α€œα€œွ်င္ α€žံုးေα€žာင္းငါးေထာင္(၃၅၀၀၀)α€€်ပ္ ေပးα€™α€Š္α€Ÿုဆိုα€€ာ၂၀၁၁ခုႏွα€…္ ေα€–ေα€–αšα€ါα€›ီα€œ (၈) α€›α€€္ေန႕တြင္ ေα€αšေဆာင္α€žြားခဲ့ပါα€žα€Š္။

ေα€œြးထိုα€™ိုင္၏ ဖခင္ျα€–α€…္α€žူ α€₯ီးပန္ေထာင္α€žα€Š္ မတ္α€œ (၁)α€›α€€္ေန႕တြင္ α€™ိα€™ိ၏α€žα€™ီးျα€–α€…္α€žူထား α€žြားေα€›ာα€€္ေတြ႔ဆံုα€›ာ ေα€œြးထိုα€™ိုင္ထား ေα€αšေဆာင္α€žြားα€žူ α€₯ီးခ်α€…္ေထး ႏွင့္ ေα€’αšေα€›ႊၾကာတိုα‚”α€™ွ α€žူα€™α€™ွာ α€”α€™့္ဖတ္α€€ာႏွင့္ α€†α€š္α€™ိုင္ခန္α‚•ေဝးα€žα€Š့္ ခိုα€™ံုးေရစင္ ထမင္းဆိုင္တြင္ α€žြားေα€›ာα€€္α€‘α€œုပ္α€œုပ္ေα€”ေα€žာေၾကာင့္ ေတြα‚•α€œိုα€žα€Š္ဆိုပါα€€ α€žံုးေα€œးα€›α€€္ထတြင္း α€œႊတ္α€œိုα€€္α€™α€Š္α€Ÿုဆိုျပီး α€₯ီးပန္းေထာင္ထား ေျပာα€œိုα€€္ပါα€žα€Š္။

α€žိုα‚•ေα€žာ္α€œα€Š္း α€™ိα€™ိ၏α€žα€™ီးα€™ွာ တစ္ပတ္ၾကာα€žα€Š္ထထိ ေα€›ာα€€္α€™α€œာေα€žာေၾကာင့္ α€€ြတ္ခုိင္ၿမိဳα‚•α€”α€š္α€›ွိ တထာင္းα€œူα‚€α€€ီးα€™်ားထံα€žိုα‚• α€žြားေα€›ာα€€္ ထကူα€‘α€Šီေတာင္းခံခဲ့ပါα€žα€Š္။ ထဆိုပါα€œူၾကီးα€™်ားα€™ွ α€₯ီးခ်α€…္ေထးႏွင့္ ေα€’αšေα€›ႊၾကာ တို႕ထေၾကာင္းထား α€…ုံα€…α€™္းαΎα€€α€Š့္α€žα€Š့္ထခါ α€œူα€€ုα€”္α€€ူးα€žူα€™်ားႏွင့္ထဆက္α€‘α€žြα€š္α€›ွိေၾကာင္း α€žိα€›ွိα€›ေα€žာေၾကာင့္ α€”α€™့္ဖတ္α€€ာα€›ဲစခန္းα€žုိα‚” ဧၿပီα€œ (၇) α€›α€€္တြင္ α€žြားေα€›ာα€€္တိုင္ၾကားခဲ့ပါα€žα€Š္။ 

တထာင္းα€œူၾကီးα€™်ားႏွင့္α€”α€™့္ဖတ္α€€ာ စခန္းα€™ွဴးα€—ုိα€œ္ေα€€်ာ္ေα€€်ာ္ႏုိင္ႏွင့္ တာဝန္α€™ွဴးα€’ုα€›ဲထုပ္ေထာင္ေဇာ္α€₯ီး တုိα‚”α€žα€Š္ α€₯ီးခ်α€…္ေထးႏွင့္ ေα€’αšေα€›ႊၾကာထိα€™္α€žိုα‚”α€žြားေα€›ာα€€္α€…α€…္ေဆးၾကရာ α€œူα€€ုα€”္α€€ူးျခင္းα€™α€Ÿုတ္ပဲ တရုတ္ျα€•α€Š္ α€€်α€”္ေα€Ÿာင္α€žိုα‚• α€žြားေα€›ာα€€္ α€‘α€œုပ္α€œုပ္α€€ိုင္ ေα€”ျခင္းα€žားျα€–α€…္ျပီး ဧျပီα€œ (၁၁)α€›α€€္ေန႕ထေα€›ာα€€္ ျပန္α€œα€Š္ေα€αšေဆာင္ေပးα€™α€Š္α€Ÿု α€₯ီးခ်α€…္ေထးႏွင့္ ေα€’αšေα€›ႊၾကာတိုα‚•α€™ွ ဝန္ခံဂတိ α€œα€€္α€™ွတ္ေα€›းထိုးခဲ့ၾကပါα€žα€Š္။ α€žိုα‚•ေα€žာ္ ဧျပီα€œ ၁၇ရက္ေန႕ထထိ ျပန္α€œα€Š္ေα€›ာα€€္α€›ွိα€œာျခင္း α€™α€›ွိေα€žာေၾကာင့္  α€§ျပီα€œ ၂၁ရက္ေန႔တြင္ α€€ြတ္ခိုင္ၿမိဳα‚”α€”α€š္α€›ဲစခန္းα€žိုα‚” ထပ္α€™ံတိုင္ၾကားခဲ့ေα€žာ္α€œα€Š္း α€šα€ုထခ်ိα€”္ထိ α€œိုα€€္α€œံေဆာင္α€›ြα€€္ေပးျခင္း α€™α€›ွိေၾကာင္း α€žိα€›ွိရပါα€žα€Š္။ 

α€‘α€œားတူ ၂၀၁၀ ခုႏွα€…္၊ α€’ီဇင္α€˜ာα€œα€ြင္α€œα€Š္း α€€ြတ္ခုိင္ၿမိဳα‚•α€”α€š္၊ α€œုံα€€α€”္ေα€€်းα€›ြာထုပ္α€…ု၊ α€™α€”္ပူးα€›ြာေα€” α€₯ီးထုိα€€္ထပ္(ေα€…ာတိα€š) ၏α€žα€™ီးျα€–α€…္α€žူ ၂၃ႏွα€…္ထရြα€š္ မထီα€™ုိထား တရုတ္ျα€•α€Š္α€žုိα‚”α€œူα€€ုα€”္α€€ူးၿပီး ထိα€™္ေထာင္ျပဳေစခဲ့α€–ူးေၾကာင္း α€žိα€›ွိရပါα€žα€Š္၊၊
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011


α€›ွα€™္းျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္ေျα€™ာα€€္ပုိင္း၊ α€”α€™့္ဆန္ၿမိဳα‚”α€”α€š္ထေα€›ွα‚”α€˜α€€္ျခမ္း(α€Ÿုိင္ေတာင္)၊ α€™α€”္α€œြα€š္ေα€€်းα€›ြာ၊ α€”α€™့္α€œα€„္းေα€€်းα€›ြာ ေα€’α€žα€™်ားတြင္ ဧျပီα€œ ၂၆-α€›α€€္ေα€”α‚”α€™ွα€…၍ α€…α€…္တပ္ထင္ထား (၅၀)ေα€€်ာ္ ထပါထဝင္ ငြα€”္ဆုိင္းေα€€်းα€›ြာ  ျα€•α€Š္α€žူα‚”α€…α€…္ေခါင္းေဆာင္ ထြα€”္းျမတ္ေα€œး ႏွင့္ထဖြဲ႔တုိα‚”α€žα€Š္ တစ္α€›ြာၿပီးတစ္α€›ြာပါတ္α€…ိပ္တုိα€€္ α€…α€…္ေα€›းကင္းα€œွα€Š့္ေα€”ေၾကာင္းα€žိα€›α€žα€Š္။ ထဓိα€€ေတာ့ SSPP/SSA-တုိα‚”  α€”α€™့္ဆန္ၿမိဳα‚”α€”α€š္ထတြင္း ခ်ွီတတ္α€œာα€α€š္ဆုိတဲα‚”α€žα€α€„္းေၾကာင္α‚” α€…α€…္ဆင္ေα€›းေတြα€œုပ္ေနတာ ျα€–α€…္α€žα€Š္α€Ÿု α€žိα€›α€žα€Š္၊၊
" နမၼတူတပ္ရင္းေα€€ာ α€”α€™့္ဆန္တပ္စခန္းα€€α€œူေတြα€œα€Š္းပါα€α€š္၊ α€žူတုိα‚”ေα€›ာα€€္တဲ့ α€›ြာတုိင္းα€™ွာα€›ြာα€₯α€€ၠα€Œေတြα€€ုိေα€™းα€α€š္ α€›ွα€™္းα€…α€…္တပ္ေတြ ေတြα‚”α€œား၊ ေတြ႔ရင္α€žူတုိα‚”α€€ုိခ်α€€္ခ်င္း ထေၾကာင္းၾကားပါတဲ့၊ α€’ါေၾကာင့္ α€œူေတြα€€α€…α€…္ျα€–α€…္ေတာ့α€™α€š္ဆုိၿပီး ထိတ္α€œα€”္α‚”ေα€”αΎα€€α€α€š္၊ α€’ီႏွα€…္α€—α€™ာ ျα€•α€Š္α€‘α€œα€š္ပုိင္းα€€ α€—α€™ာေတြα€œα€Š္း α€œα€€္α€–α€€္α€žိပ္α€œာမခူးၾကေတာ့α€˜ူး၊ α€’ီေတာ့ α€œα€€္α€–α€€္ေတြα€€ုိ ထခ်ိα€”္α€™ွီမခူးႏုိင္α€˜ူး တခ်ိဳα‚”α€œα€€္α€–α€€္ ေတြဆုိ ရင့္α€€ုα€”္αΎα€€α€α€š္၊ α€’ီα€…α€…္တပ္ေတြေၾကာင့္ α€œူေတြα€€ α€‘α€œုပ္ေα€€ာင္းေα€€ာင္းα€€ုိα€™α€œုပ္α€›α€˜ူး၊  α€žူတုိα‚”α€›ြာα€œာၿပီဆုိ α€œူေတြα€€ ထစားထေα€žာα€€္α€€ α€‘α€…α€œုပ္ေပးα€›α€α€š္" α€Ÿုα€›ြာα€žားတစ္α€₯ီး ေျပာျပခ်α€€္α€‘α€›α€žိα€›ွိα€›α€žα€Š္။
ဆက္စပ္ၿပီး  α€§αΏα€•ီα€œ (၂၇)α€›α€€္ေα€”α‚”α€œα€Š္း α€œα€€္α€”α€€္တင္α€…α€…္α€€ား ႏွင့္ α€œူတင္α€…α€…္α€€ားထစီး (၂၅)α€Ÿာα€›ွα€™္းျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္ ေျα€™ာα€€္ပုိင္းα€›ွိ α€€ြတ္ခုိင္ၿမိဳα‚•α€˜α€š္α€€ေα€” α€™ႏၱေα€œးα€˜α€€္α€€ုိ α€₯ီးα€α€Š္ေα€™ာင္းα€žြားα€žα€Š္α€Ÿု α€™်α€€္ျမင္တစ္α€₯ီးα€€ ေျပာျပခဲ့α€žα€Š္။ α€œူေတြα€€ တရုတ္ျα€•α€Š္α€˜α€€္ α€€α€α€š္α€œာတဲ့ α€œα€€္α€”α€€္ခဲα€šα€™္းေတြα€€ုိ ကရင္ျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္α€˜α€š္ပုိα‚”α€–ုိα‚” ျα€–α€…္α€α€š္α€œုိα‚” ခန္α‚”α€™ွα€”္းေနၾက α€žα€œို တခ်ိဳα‚”α€€ေတာ့ α€…α€…္ထင္ထားျပ ၿခိα€™္းေျခာα€€္α€α€š္α€œုိα‚” ေျပာေα€”αΎα€€α€α€š္၊ ထခုခ်ိα€”္ထိေတာ့ α€˜α€š္α€žူα€™ွα€œα€Š္းတိတိα€€်α€€် ေျပာႏုိင္ျခင္းα€™α€›ွိေα€žးပါ။
α€šα€ုထခ်ိα€”္α€žα€Š္ α€œα€€္α€–α€€္α€€ုိထဓိα€€α€œုပ္α€€ုိင္α€…ားေα€žာα€€္ၾကတဲ့ တထာင္းα€œူα€™်ိဳးေတြα€›ဲα‚” ထေα€›းα‚€α€€ီးဆုံး ထခ်ိα€”္ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး ထခ်ိα€”္α€”ဲα‚” ထမွီ α€œα€€္α€–α€€္ေတြ α€€ုိခူးရပါα€žα€Š္၊ α€šα€ုα€œုိေα€’α€žα€ြင္း မၿငိα€™္α€™α€žα€€္ျα€–α€…္ေတာ့ α€œူေတြα€€α€…ိတ္α€™α€žα€€္α€™α€žာျဖင့္ α€‘α€œုပ္α€œုပ္ေα€”α€›α€α€š္။ α€œα€€္α€–α€€္α€œα€Š္းα€‘α€α€š္α€™α€œုိα€€္α€žα€œုိ ေα€…်းႏွဳα€”္းα€œα€Š္းထက္ဝက္ေα€€်ာ္α€€်α€žြားα€žα€Š္။ "ေα€›ႊα€–ီα€₯ီးတုα€”္းကဆုိα€œα€€္α€–α€€္ကတစ္ပိႆာα€€ုိ α€€်ပ္ (၄၀၀၀) ၀န္းα€€်င္α€›ွိေα€•α€™α€š့္ ထခုေတာ့ တစ္ပိႆာα€€ုိ α€€်ပ္ ၂၀၀၀ ေတာင္ α€α€š္တဲ့α€œူα€žိပ္α€™α€›ွိေတာ့α€˜ူး"α€Ÿုα€œα€€္α€–α€€္ေတာင္α€žူတစ္α€₯ီးေျပာ ျပခ်α€€္α€‘α€›α€žိα€›α€žα€Š္။
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