
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Innocent villagers arrested, tortured and accused of drug trafficking by Militia

We have concrete news that on May 16th, 2010, Tun Myat lay militia group who are based in Nahsam Township, Nonsai village accused and arrested three villagers for using opium. However, they did not have any evidence that the villagers were using opium. The three villagers, U chit Shwe, U Aik Hlaing and U Own Pae, are from upper Man Lawi village. These three villagers were tortured and abused by Tun Myat lay’s militia group, although, they did not use any illegal opium.

“Yes, that right we have an addict in our village, but I believe these three people did not use it. Because we are in the village and we know each other, if they used opium, we will hear the news as we have heard about others addicts” said a villager who was concerned with this case.

“Even though they were arrested, they were only suspected by militia. When they were arrested, there was no evidence of opium use. They did not have any opium in their possession. Afterwards, the militia told us that if we be able to give money of over three hundred thousands Kyat (300,000) or four hundred thousand Kyat (400,000), they will release them” said a person who was concerned with the case.

Since early April, the three villagers arrested are still being detained. The families of the detainees could not afford to give four hundred thousand Kyat (400,000), which the militia asked of them.

Local communities mainly depend on tea for an income and on previous occasions when there have been arrests it cost a lot of money for the cases to be resolved or paid off. Like wise, this year in Ta’ang region there was less rain and thus less production of tea. As a result in local people are in financial difficulty and unfortunately they are suspected and being detained by militia. Consequently, the local communities’ are really anxious about the future.

Information and documentation department

Ta’ang Students and youth Organizations

Contact; ph 08011844799




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