“Since fighting took place we are afraid to stay at the village and some villagers are hiding out in the forest as we don’t want to flee far from the village because we don’t want to lose our property. One reason why we are hiding is that whenever Burmese soldiers arrive at the village they force the villagers to porter or pointer for them” said the villager.
According to a TNLA source there were about 50 Burmese soldiers from Infantry Battalion-501 based in Kyaukme that started to attack the collaborative armies of the TNLA and KIA which have over 60 soldiers, near Htart Kyaet village, Nar Awn village tract, Mantong.
Sources from the TNLA state that two Burmese soldiers were seriously injured and were sent to Namtu Hospital for emergency medical care, but the alliance rebel groups of TNLA and KIA had no one die or wounded.
On this occasion the rebel armies were made up of only Kachin and TNLA soldiers; SSA troops were not involved in this conflict.
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