“The three of us were carrying tea back to Takhalet village by motorbike. When we arrived at the entrance of the village, the Burmese soldiers, who are responsible for the Gas pipeline security, demanded money from us for Alcohol, they were already drunk. We begged them to leave us be because we didn’t have much money and each of us only had 5oo Kyat but they didn’t accept our pleas. They said that if we couldn’t pay for their alcohol, we would not be allowed to pass. Finally, each of us had to pay our last 500 Kyat to the soldiers” said by the victim.
The soldiers are not only demanding money from the motorcyclists, but also from local people on foot and in cars. In Northern Shan State, local people are often subjected to being threatened and being stopped and checked without any reason and having to pay money under the intimidation of Burmese soldiers who take responsibility for Shwe Gas Pipeline security which pass across from Arakhan State to China.
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